A Word From the Inventor…

Robert Rosendahl, the owner of Rosendahl Properties and Construction, has been a residential home builder for over 20 years. One of the number one "call backs" I would receive from homeowners was “Our downspout extensions are missing!” After the first wind or rain storm, clients would go outside and find their downspout extensions were either laying in the yard somewhere or laying next to the foundation in the landscaping.

As a property owner myself, I got tired of reinstalling or replacing my downspout extensions on what seemed like an annual basis. After searching the internet, local hardware stores, big box home improvement centers, and DIY stores I found there just wasn’t any product on the market that did everything I was looking for. So as the saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention”, I created CradleStake.

Robert Rosendahl

Cradlestake vs.
The Competition

CradleStake Downspout Protection Covers are made out of a UV rated very durable plastic, and they are designed to hold your downspout extensions in place against your downspout elbow so they never become separated from your gutter system. Cradlestake can do the job of 4 different products in the marketplace.

Each component of our product is made in the U.S.A. Our customer support is available anytime to help you measure, fit and install your Cradlestakes.

  • NO tools required (watch our install video)

  • Cradlestake prevents your downspouts from getting damaged by lawnmowers, weed whackers, or trimmers.

  • Keep kids, pets, and yourself safe from razor sharp downspout edges by protection from the Cradlestake.

  • Secure your downspout extensions in place, and prevent them from ever blowing off in a wind or rain storm.

  • Cradlestake is designed to not prevent your water flow from your downspout extensions.

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4 Pack - 3" x 4" Horizontal CradleStake ®

